It fits in perfectly with each scenario along with changing dynamically depending on what’s going on at that particular time, such as a battle or a wild Pokémon encounter. The ground, as well as some of the trainers, look as if they were drawings breathtakingly beautiful and smooth they help to create an unforgettable experience. If you are looking to experience the Pokemon NDS game in your GBA emulator then you will be surely surprised by the stunning feature of the Pokemon Light Platinum version.
The graphics in Pokémon Light Platinum are phenomenal. Download Pokemon Light Platinum ROM latest version for GBA Emulator from here for absolutely free. Some of these changes make way for better gameplay and story, while others (more notably the graphics) make the game seem more like an art project than a video game. This game is very similar to its predecessor, however, it changes certain aspects, such as the graphics and some of the routes you will take.
Pokémon Light Platinum takes the Pokémon series to a new height. The save files for this rom hack are compatible with the original Nintendo DS games allowing users who have already finished Pokemon Platinum or Diamond and Pearl to use the same save file and start this modification. The author of this unofficial modification has stated that he took several months working on it and at least 100 hours testing it.

The game is based on the Ruby version of pokemon but the hack makes it more special. Top-10 Popular ROMS GBA Pokemon - Fire Red Version (V1.1) GBA Pokemon - Emerald Version SNES Super Mario World GBA Pokemon - Ruby Version (V1.1) GBA Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (V1. It is a new Pokemon hack with cool graphics and newly added features.

Do you like to play the patched version of the Pokemon game where all the Pokemons will be in one place then you are in right place. The player is also able to obtain every Pokemon without having to trade with another game or use any external device, making it easier to complete his Pokedex. Download Pokemon Light platinum ROM for Gameboy advance emulator. For example, some moves were modified/changed/added to make them more interesting whereas some moves had their power changed and were given an additional effect to make them better than before.

It uses the same region as in Diamond and Pearl but includes different mechanics from those games. We will not spoil anything, except for a thing: IT IS THE BEST. But thats why we uploaded the Pokemon Sun Rom, for you to get it and see for yourself that we are not lying. You dont even have to believe us Yeah, we know that you will not do this. Pokemon Light Platinum is a fan-made version of Pokemon Platinum. The rom for this new pokemon ame has been leaked and we have it Pokemon Sun Rom Free Download.